Falcons on fire

Design — 14.11.18 BY Janine Lanarelli
Falcon 2000EX EASy

Shortly after the first of the year, interest in the 2000EX EASy model increased significantly with not unexpectedly most of the demand originating out of the United States.

Once again, buyers clearly saw the value proposition in this model, most of which were then priced below US$10,000,000. Since then, prices have moved up as much as 30%. You will be hard pressed to find what is the most desirable among this model, which includes the following attributes: a 10- passenger configuration, fully NEXGEN compliant, recently out of C inspection and attractive cosmetics.

“If you were a seller of a Falcon 7X with a fresh C inspection, you held the winning ticket”

Though at a different price point, the LX has enjoyed the same level of activity, if not yet the same appreciation in pricing. Buyers have snapped up those that were an easy choice and there have been few to come to market to fill the void. This in turn has created increased demand for a 2000EX EASy for you can modify the airplane by the addition of winglets and select Dassault service bulletins and gain the added performance of the LX, as well as the commercial designation.

“US buyers have spread their wings and gone to the far corners of the world in pursuit of the 7X model.”
Falcon 7X

This fever though is not contained to just the 2000 series of aircraft. The Falcon 7X and the various derivatives of the 900 are as well enjoying vibrant market activity with the most recent focus being turned to that of the classic 900B. While certainly price was initially the biggest driver in stimulating interest, it is clearly indicative of a more confident US market that ratcheted up demand. One look at online sales venues for aircraft and you can see that product availability has been cut in half in less than one year. An interesting observation is that the vast majority of 7Xs that were offered for sale were based outside of the United States whereas the 900EXs were domestic. US buyers spread their wings and have gone to the far corners of the earth in pursuit of the 7X model. If you were a seller of a Falcon 7X with a fresh C inspection you held the winning ticket.

So, if you are considering the purchase of a Falcon there is just one thing to do. Better call your broker, as that is the person who is equipped to find the needle in the haystack.
